Tuesday, December 21

Very Enthusiastic

Hello guys. I'm sorry for ignoring your visits here. I just have something new experiences and I'm forgetting my baby blog. Sorry alright? Well, I've nothing much to say actually. My life is not that great and I admit that I'm just a pathetic loser. Can you believe after all I've been studied sooo hard in my SPM but I haven't go out yet until now? Haha. Okay whatever. I'm glad to know that Formspring and Tumblr really suit my type well. Tumblr is easy, just reblog something that you like. Formspring is fun, I got lots of friends there. Thank you for being my alam maya buddies. Hihi. I planned to find a job but I haven't do that. So currently I can call myself as, Penganggur Terhormat. Nice name isn't it? Haha. I woke up late, went to bed late. Yesterday, I went to school to get my UPU number pin. Who's applying for university, they know what the hell is the number pin I'm talking about. After a long walk, I sat with my friends, having chit chat about Korean. God, I'm not a fan of Korean thingy, derr? So I just shut my mouth and listened to their obsession. Hihi. I was shocked to know that Zac and Josh are leaving Paramore. They said they want to spend more time with their family. Oh I'm totally not ready to accept that facts. Still, Paramore has to get a move on. My feelings towards Paramore will never change as long as Hayley is there. Hey, my pet sister told me that she loves to read my post as my words are sometimes funny. You've got to be kidding me. But I'm glad. At least there's someone that loves my stories. Aiceh. Haha. Got to go. Good-bye.

I'm bored, but I'm comfortable being at home.


Fuz said...

eh, aku minat blog ni sekarang.

Fara Dee said...

Hah? Haha. Bukan ke anda peminat Katie Holmes sentiasa? Hihi.

mnyra said...

congrats for our freedom dear ;)

mnyra said...

*your . hee :D

Fara Dee said...

Haha. Okay, thanks Nyra ;)

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