Tuesday, January 4

A Paid Position

Hey there. Long time no write huh? I'm sorry. I've been busy and plus, I have nothing to say so that's why my baby blog is full with dust. I planned to write something on the first January as an opening for the new year but yeah. Haha. For the last two days, I helped my dad doing his business. More or less, I filled my free time with something benefit and of course, some money pocket. Well, it's better than nothing. But I can't deny that I was majorly tired. This lovely Tuesday is like an extraordinary for me. I've been never go to a job interview but finally, I got that experiences today. I followed my friend, filled in the form and bla bla bla. The interesting part was I didn't feel scared or nervous at that time. I asked a lot of questions to him, I mean the interviewer and I was like, oh my god did I just impress myself? Haha. Also, I have my own EPF account! Like seriously. Yes. I'm a big girl now. Hihi. It's not confirm yet whether I get the job or not. He said he'll call me so let's just wait. I'm so excited and hopefully, I will get it because I do not want to be a jobless for 3-6 months. Hell yeah. The salary is just handsome. Haha. In other word, very large for me. I know you guys are like wondering, what is the job I am going to? Hmm I guess I won't tell. Sorry. Kthnxbai ;)

No money no talk babeyh.


Fuz said...

just another cool picture ;)

Fara Dee said...

Haha. Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

good luck for a new job :)

Fara Dee said...

Thanks Idayu :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck!! ^_^

Fara Dee said...

Thanks Farah! Hihi. Same name we got here :)

Nursyairah said...

waaa, good luck!

Fara Dee said...

Thanks yeah! Really hope will get that job :)